Our Team

A brief word on

Who’s in our team

Meet the NAJA Production team—a dynamic ensemble of seasoned journalists with over 15 years of experience, professional video editors, skilled graphic designers, and dedicated community manager. Fluent in French, English, and German, our multilingual team is well-versed in working internationally. Together, we seamlessly blend expertise and creativity to transform your ideas into captivating reality.

Wesleg Nanse

President & Chief Executive Officer

Jean-Bruno Tagne

Deputy Director

Marc Moussango

Head of Post-Production

Faith Buinlem

Executive Assistant

Brand Kamga

Head of Broadcast journalism

Arnold Youdom Kenmoe

Graphic Design Manager

Anne-Marie Petuelle ZOA BETSI

Media and Communication Sales Manager

Jean Freddy Ondoa

Video Production Manager

Michelle Ymele

Broadcast Journalist

Naja Production

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Naja TV
Naja Digital